A large marquee next to the Parque Gesta 25 de Julio, on the esplanade of the quay, will host the activities.

The dance competitions Canarias Salsa Open and Megadancers European Salsa League 2023 will definitely take place in November in the capital of Tenerife. This was announced by the organisers in a press release issued a few days ago.

According to the producers of the event "After carefully assessing the situation and considering the change of venue from Puerto de la Cruz to Santa Cruz de Tenerife, as well as the difficulties in obtaining the necessary infrastructure and equipment in time, we have come to the conclusion that the best option is to postpone the holding of this meeting in order to ensure its success.

Following discussions with the Santa Cruz de Tenerife City Council and the Development Society, two of the main sponsors of the dance show, the decision was taken to postpone the event, which was scheduled for the first weekend of this month. As for the protagonists of the competitions, participants from the Canary Islands and European countries were consulted, "to whom we publicly thank for their support and interest".According to the organisers, they will attend on the new date despite the change.

The organisation notes in its press release that "We are committed to the quality and excellence of our productions, so we have taken on the task of finding a new date that suits the needs and availability of all those involved"..

The final date for the show will be from 10 to 12 November and the same development has been announced, consisting of a three-day programme full of activities: workshops, parties and two competitions.

Finally, the producers assure that tickets purchased will be valid for the new date. Online ticket sales will reopen in mid-September at megadancers.com.

Canarias Salsa Open and Megadancers European Salsa League is a cultural and sporting event sponsored by the City Council of Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Sociedad de Desarrollo; Islas Canarias, Latitud de Vida. Consejería de Turismo del Gobierno de Canarias; Instituto Canario de Desarrollo Cultural (ICDC); El Día; Cadena Ser - Radio Club Tenerife; Mírame TV; Alkur Servicios Generales; Litografía Drago; Base: Deportes Salud; Radio TV Gigante; echalesalsalsita.es; salsero.es and Agüidance Project.